Sunday, May 6, 2012

Raymart Santiago vs Mon Tulfo

I was surprised to read the newspaper's headline this morning. Actor Raymart Santiago and Media man Mon Tulfo engaged in fistfight. I never thought it was that worst until I saw the video on YouTube.

The story was Raymart's wife, Claudine, has an argument against the stewardess when the travel/plane service left Claudine's baggage on their departure. Mon Tulfo saw the stewardess crying on Claudine's continuous verbal abuse. As a press man, Tulfo took a video on the incident from his mobile phone. Raymart came to Claudine's rescue and confronted Tulfo. Raymart asked for Tulfo's mobile phone and the latter refused. This caused the raged and Raymart and their group began to batter the media man.

From the view through the video, a lot has sympathized on Tulfo. But a small number also took on the couple's side.

If ever it was really Mon Tulfo's fault, and he started the fight, as the couple is saying, is it still right for the group to do such thing on a single person? Does Mon Tulfo did something really nasty to deserve this? Are these the kinds of celebrities that we idolize and follow?

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